Brasil and Raposa/Serra do Sol

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Luís Inácio Lula da Silva

the president
Luís Inácio
Lula da Silva

Fernando Henrique Cardoso

only til December 31st, 2002:

Fernando Henrique
Cardoso has
not signed the document

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Landright for Raposa/Serra do Sol


For almost 30 years now, the indigenous Brasilian peoples Macuxi, Wapixana, Ingarikó, Taurepang and Patamona have been fighting for their land rights to Raposa/ Serra do Sol, an area of a little more than 1.6 million [Hektar]. They had to organise and defend themselves against gold prospectors, cattle ranchers, agroindustrials and local politicians numerous times.
Pro REGENWALD has been supporting this fight of the indigenous peoples for about ten years now.

In December 1998, the Minister of Justice at the time signed a decree which stated that Raposa/ Serra do Sol was indigenous territory and had to be mapped as such. Only the President’s signature was missing to fully ratify this decree.

To stop these land rights from being put into practice, the government of the federal state Roraima sued against these plans in 1999. This meant that neither the cattle ranchers and rice farmers ­ who had migrated to this region some years earlier ­ could be resettled, nor was the president allowed to sign the recognition documents. This last great obstacle on the way to a recognition of indigenous landrights has now been removed: On November 27, the Supreme Court rejected the proposal and thus allowed for a speedy completion of the mapping projects.

The situation in Roraima is tense: rice farmers, cattle ranchers and local politicians are protesting ­ there could be riots.

Altough this is a very important and historic decision, which would end the years of legal insecurity and unrest in this region, the leaving President Fernando Henrique Cardoso has not signed the document. The responsibility doing it now is with the new President Luís Inácio Lula da Silva.

You can forward this appeal to the persons responsible with one click, below.

or find links to further texts below

Appeal 'Land rights for Raposa/Serro do Sol' of December 10, 2002:
supported by the initial signatures of 74 organisations and private persons.

Dear Mr. President,

As a person who is interested in many subjects, above all in sustainable development, human rights and indigenous peoples, I have been following the demarcation of Indigenous lands in Brazil closely over your 8 years of government. I recognize and commend the significant progress that has been made in the demarcation of Indigenous lands, fulfilling the Brazilian Constitution and contributing to the sustainable development of the country.

Solutions for complex issues have been found, and Indigenous peoples, who have long fought for the respect of their rights, finally had their land rights recognized. Examples with which I am familiar include the demarcation of the Alto Rio Negro Indigenous area in Amazonas, the demarcation of the Panará’s land in Mato Grosso/Pará, and the ratification of the Xukuru area in Pernambuco.

Another example was the decree demarcating Raposa/Serra do Sol in Roraima, signed in 1998.

Unfortunately, I understand that the final ratification of Raposa Serra do Sol has been prevented by a legal challenge in Brazilian courts since 1999. We’ve learned that this issue was recently resolved, and that the arguments against the full recognition of Raposa/Serra do Sol were denied.

I therefore respectfully request you to consider the possibility of ratifying the demarcation of Raposa/Serra do Sol. It is the last major unresolved issue in terms of demarcation of Indigenous lands in Brazil. Once resolved, this will surely consolidate the recognition obtained by your administration both in the international community and Brazil, in terms of your treatment of the rights of Indigenous peoples.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.


cc: Paulo de Tarso Ribeiro
Minister of Justice

Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro
Secretary of State for Human Rights

José Artur Denot Medeiros
Botschafter, Berlin

If you are interested in further information about the issue, please read some of the articles below:

There is an article of Indianist Mission Council (CIMI): The Offensive of Goliath against David in Roraima and another one from the Instituto Socioambiental Superior Court of Justice extinguishes legal action by the Roraima State Government and guarantees demarcation of the Raposa-Serra do Sol Indigenous Land

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